Award Categories

We celebrate and recognize women of Africa who have shown industriousness, intellectuality, potentiality, and ingenuity.

award categories

Resilient Woman

This award is presented to recognize and honour a woman who has experienced several setbacks and has bounced back instead of giving up. A woman who has shown a tremendous level of recovery; a level of vitality following a setback. A woman that has demonstrated growth of business/income to support herself and others.

award categories

Amazon Woman

This is presented to a big, strong, warrior-like woman, someone who reminds you of the mythical African women warriors. The recipient of this award is a statuesque yet athletic woman who ventured into traditionally male sectors, took on causes and persistently championed those causes. A woman who works hard to perfect her knowledge and art in her specific area of expertise.

award categories

2021 Bold Pathfinding Woman

This is presented to a woman who is Ingenious, original and inventive in nature. An innovator with new thinking and new ways of doing things. A purpose-driven woman who has made significant contributions to developing new products or made improvements to existing ones. A woman who has a resilient nature in her.

award categories

Mum Like No Other

This is presented to a special kind of mother who does great work in her profession and is a great mom to her children. A woman who demonstrates a healthy balance of taking care of herself and others. An energetic woman with a growth mindset who early in life was independent of parents and is driven by high family values.

award categories

The Best Friends Forever (BFF

This award is presented to TWO WOMEN who have been best friends, gist mates and have stood by each other over many years (at least 25 years) with a healthy balance between self-care and care for others. Women who have shown empathy, always willing to share their perspectives, are dependable, reliable, loyal and generous with their time, money and are fun to be around.

award categories

The Virtuous Woman

This is presented to a woman of great worth and beauty who stood with her partner through thick and thin. A woman who has shown evidence of having stood by partner, supporting him/her through challenges. A homemaker who played a key role in the success of her partner despite public/known setbacks.

award categories

She Blossoms

The award is presented to a young female with evidence of progress in her chosen field of work. The recipient of this award will be a young woman recognized for collaborating with others in her field of has shown leadership styles that are reminiscent of bringing the best out of others taking bold steps. A young woman who has been recognized by her peers for her excellent teamwork.

award categories

She Speaks

The award is presented to a woman who has spoken with different levels of decision-makers in power to advance women’s development agenda and equity. A woman who has shown bravery and courage to address challenging and difficult issues for and with other women.

award categories

She Excels

The award is presented to a woman who has shown excellence in her area of discipline or profession, reaching its’ heights within a highly competitive environment.

award categories

2021 BPaWA Supportive Man of Africa

This award is presented to a man who acknowledges and supports women’s initiatives at all levels – home, workplace, community and media. He upholds the true values of an African woman- a pathfinder, a leader, a nurturer, a visionary, and an equal.

award categories

The BPaWA Woman of the Year

This award is presented to a woman who demonstrates and encompasses all the attributes above nominations.